
Finally exam ended (at least for term 3)

Phew, our exam ended for term 3. Only one term to go and we are done for the P5 Level!!! These exams were quite easy, and I hope that everyone will get full marks!! Let's just wait for the exam results to come out!


Raining during NE Show

On the 11th of July, almost the entire p5 level of all the schools in Singapore went to watch the NE Show. It started out fine, with only a few drops rain. However, at the last moment, during the fireworks show, the few drops of rain turned in to a heavy downpour. Thanks to Mr. Tan, who warned us to keep our poncho close to us, we could put on our poncho in time. However, our bags were completely wet. We were wet too, though we had our ponchos on and our umbrellas up. The amount of rain turned the spectator's stand into a mini-flood and our shoes were flooded. The rain also created the "Marina Falls", which was named after the water pouring down the staircase like a waterfall.


I'm back with more news

Hi. I haven't been updating this blog for quite a bit of time! Almost 1 whole month! Anyway, here's today's news. My class, which is 5K, just rearranged our seats again! (I think the other classes did too.) The new arrangement is not to my liking, and I really like the old arrangements better! (That's my point of view.) There's not much to write about for today :) , so this post will end here. I will write more next time, so bye!


News again!

LOL! 5N started Calculator Challenge, (or Calculator Marathon or whatever........ ). The competition was severely opposed by 5K &5N. I don't know about 5L...... Anyway, 5N tore down the competition details, and they threw it onto the floor, (I think they should have thrown it into the dustbin!) 5K poked the competition details with their pins, and they are now using the piece of paper as a dart-board.Two pieces of competition details were also found on the third floor. It was broken and tattered, and it was torn into pieces.


Tan Rhe-Anne scolded along with others

(Why is my news late everytime?) Ok. Here's the news. Tan Rhe-Anne, along with prefect, another discipline monitor and other pupils in 5K got scolded by 陈老师 for opening the envelope that was meant to be opened by our parents. There was a letter inside, and it contained the teacher's feedback on pupils. We were not supposed to open it because the teacher is not going to collect the form back and pupils might change the teacher's feedback. Anyway, the pupils were asked to take a pen outside and do something (which I don't know what). I hope this teaches us to pay attention to what the teachers say, or we might miss important instructions.


How to stay HAPPY after the exams!

Hi everyone, I'm updating the blog again! Our exam are finally finished, and we can relax a bit now! Just one thing, although our exams are finished, we must not stop studying! After you have study for a bit, and you have free time, then you can start relaxing. One more thing. DO NOT spend ALL your time playing computer games. It is bad for your eyes, and you might get hooked by the game. You can try spending some time with your family, and have fun together. You can also try to find a hobby and work on it.
Some activities you can try with your family:
  • Take a walk at a park nearby,
  • Play a game (not computer games!) with your family,
  • Have a chat with your family etc.

Here are also a list of hobbies you can try.

  • Reading books
  • Learning an instrument
  • Collecting stamps etc.

That's all! I will be writing more next time, bye!



Today, both discipline monitors of our class was kind of scolded. It all started with Rhe-Anne secretly scribbling something onto her 5K magazine. 陈老师 saw her and confiscated it. She kind of scolded Tan Rhe-Anne, and asked her to return to her seat. Next, 陈老师 asked everyone if they know whether there was any negative stuff in it. We immediately pointed at Matthew, and told 陈老师 that he wrote a weird poem about Alex inside. Matthew Boo, our second DM, was also scolded.

P.S. I seriously think Tan Rhe-Anne is going to appear in everyday's news.